DISCLAIMER: The information contained in these pages is of historical and general information value only. Flight gear for actual use as safety gear must be checked or modified by a qualified life support technician before use. WHAT'S NEW: Latest update 18 SEP 2011 with new information about the Belgian aerobatic team Rode Duivels. Captain Bluelight and his
crew welcome you onboard this flight down memory lane. Way back in March 2000 two Dutch
guys, Venz and HUD, took the initiative to start a discussion group on flight gear. This
site is building on a selection of all the postings that have been made on Egroups
Flight gear and later Yahoo!Groups Flight gear, supplemented with other articles and
information. They have been arranged according to topic so select from the menu to the
left, sit back and enjoy the accumulated wisdom of the group members over the years. The discussions on Flightgear have now migrated to two other fora. One is the online discussion board, Flightgear Forum, and the other is a new group on Yahoo!Groups called flyingclothing. Check them out if you are interested in keeping updated on new and old flightgear. |