Unknown French helmet

Message 789:
Hey all, I have been working with Dainel Djebrani on an attempted ID for a helmet I recently picked up. Anyone have any ideas? This helmet looks like a French WWII helmet with the rigid, leather covered crown only this has a blue cloth covering. Comms looks British. I am guessing this is circa 1950s but there isn't a mark on it. Anyone have any ideas? Steve Norris

Message 790:
Steve, Here is perhaps a helpful clue: the attached image shows a French Gueneau Type 313 soft "inner helmet" (used with hard outer shell). Compare the earphone details with those of your mystery helmet. I am convinced you have a French helmet, not an English one. The "mystery helmet" just doesn't have that Anglo-Saxon look (the "Mystery Helmet" looks typically 'different', just like Citroen cars and everything else from France--except Le Femme!). If you take the hard (padded stiff leather) upper section of the WWII Casque Arialle II with the earphone details of the Gueneau Type 313, it approximates the design. What is your opinion on these developments? Cheers, Chris

Message 792:
I' m collecting french helmets and i never seen that type before. For me this one is clearly a gueneau design. The leather earcups design is very close to a gueneau 313 inner cloth liner and the shell design match the WW2 gueneau leather helmets. Gueneau also made helmet for paratroopers but they were made of green fabric and without earphones. for me this one may be a flight helmet but also could be tank driver one. earphones and com cord identification could help to tell if it is clearly a flight helmet or not. Best regards, Philippe Kerangueven
