HGU-39/P helmet
Message 2815, Jun 10, 2001
Hello Friends, All that has been said about the HGU-39/SPH is accurate! However the real
give away on a HGU is the tan/cream colored edge beading on the HGU used this and not SPH
helmets! While I was on active I saw a number of HGU's in active frontline use in the
USAF... They had been adapted with the dual rams horn visor and finished off just like the
one up for auction right now! Reflecting what has been said below...
Best Regards, Kirk Sunley AKA Pilot
Message 2808, Jun 10, 2001
The HGU-39/P is identical to the SPH-4 only it is delivered without a visor and the holes
(for the visor)aren't drilled out. There are dimples where the holes go. The HGU-39/P is
designed to be worn with the MBU-13/P bio-chemical mask. Since the mask already has a
visor and there is a plastic tinted visor that attaches to the mask, the helmet mounted
visors aren't needed. I think the USAF Life Support can field modify the HGU-39/P with
either a single or dual visor for use in helicopters. I would guess that if someone
ordered a bunch of HGU-39/Ps, they could be re-assigned to other units and have visors put
on them in the field.
Cheers, Steve
Message 2806, Jun 10, 2001
Bluelight, I think the SPH-3/4 shell and the HGU-39/P are virtually identical and there is
no reason why a twin-visor 'Ram's Horn' assembly could not be installed on an HGU-39/P
shell, as far as I am able to see. Physically, there is no difficulty doing so. The
HGU-39/P was a development of the SPH-3/4 that permitted NBC gear of the early type (that
which developed from the standard 'clear-view' aviation smoke/02 mask--MBU-13/P) to be
used. I feel this is almost definitely an authentic modification, if the shell is clearly
labeled 'HGU-39/P'. One occasionally sees HGU-39/P shells with the optional visor assembly
added. Thus, with the twin-visor assembly, the HGU-39/P could be used either in a
rotary-wing application or NBC mode. When used in a jet aircraft, the HGU-39/P assembly
usually used the Velcro attached shaded visor plate that was issued with the
"Chem/Bio" (MBU-13/P type) mask, since use of the MBU-13/P rendered use of the
hard visor attachment unusable.
Cheers, DocBoink
Message 2797, Jun 10, 2001
Hi all, Try to take a look at this HGU-39/P helmet on eBay item=1154218595. I have never
seen an HGU-39/P in camo with a visor housing before. It seems to genuine enough judging
from the wear showing in the paintwork (unless someone has put a lot of effort into
scratching and sanding).
Cheers, Bluelight
Message 123:
HGU-39/P is used with the MBU-13/P Bio-chemical mask (Looks like a smoke mask only green).
The O-mask receivers are used to secure the base of the mask to the helmet. Most HGU-39/P
have never had visors mounted (the nipples for the screw holes can be seen). And they
don't appear to get a lot of use, cause most of these are in really good condition. U.S.
Troops assigned to NATO consider (or would "considered" be a better word) a
Bio-chemical threat to be quite real and planned accordingly. It may explain why these
helmets surface in Europe. Steve Norris
Message 122:
During the last few years there are from time to time HGU-39's available from the USAFE in
Germany. Most of them have oxygen recievers fitted and seemed to be never fitted with some
sort of visor kit. My question is, where were they used for? Drill or something? I have
two of them, one original and one dressed as a SPH-3B. Bye Ron