H-5 helmet in Swiss Air Force use Message 1395, Mar 7, 2004
Hello all! Here a little add-on of info about one of the "Swiss H-5" pictures,
more precisely the one showing a pilot and another man shaking hands. Picture has been
taken the 16 July 1965. The pilot is sitting in a Swiss AF Mirage III (J-2302) and picture
has been shot in..Holloman AFB /White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico USA....quite fare
away from home...
Pilot is Manfred Brennwald, Swiss AF test pilot, and the other man Hughes test pilot Rocky
Jones. The reason of the picture was the first Falcon missile launch from a Swiss Mirage
after the integration of the Hughes TARAN Radar. "Victim" of the shoot was a
QF-80 drone..this was the first time a non-NATO/OTAN nation was performing weapons trials
in the US ( ..so I was told..)
Bregards to all, SIWA
Message 1382, March 7, 2004
Hi all, Finally I got around to update the Best of Flightgear page on the Swiss H-5
helmets. SIWA sent me some very interesting pictures from the time before these helmets
were modified with the gull-wing cut. He also included some pictures of an H-5 helmet used
by Oberstleutnant Am Ryhn Beat when he flew as #5 in the Swiss aerobatic team Patrouille
Suisse as late as 1984. Based on photographic evidence SIWA has been able to deternime
that the H-5 helmet was used in Switzerland as late as 1986-87. Last but not least SIWA
sent me two scans from the 1962 Pilatus P-3 flight manual showing helmet and oxygen mask.
Enjoy! All pictures are uploaded for your viewing pleasure.
Cheers, Bluelight
Message 648, Jan 26, 2004
Hi all, This time SIWA has spent some time taking pictures of his Swiss Air Force H-5
helmet. We have discussed this type of helmet in the old group but the pictures reveal at
least two new things (to me at least). One is the helmet protective case shown in the
first picture and the other is the Sportex Zürich label inside the helmet. It is not
known to me whether Sportex manufactured these helmets or if they were Gentex' agents in
Cheers, Bluelight
H-5 helmet used by the Swiss Air Force. © SIWA
Click on thumbnails to see larger pictures.