Flight deck cranials

Message 3345, Jul 4, 2001
Shaba, This is a relatively new cranial helmet introduced for US carrier flight deck crews, but I do not know the manufacturer. It appears a bit more substantial than the previous version we are all familiar with. However, today is a national holiday here in the US (Independence Day), so there probably won't be much response until tomorrow. Cheers, DocBoink

Message 3343, Jul 4, 2001
Shaba, I think the usual cranials are made by David Clark (some of them anyway) so putting 2 and 2 together could it also be David Clark? See http://www.davidclark.com/HeadsetPgs/k10.htm
They look quite similar

Message 3337, Jul 3, 2001
Dear members, On june 20 last I had the opportunity to steam with the USS Enterprise in the North Atlantic. My main reason for being on board were the aircraft stationed there. Nonetheless I took the opportunity to photograph some people on board. What I saw was a new type (for me) of cranial. Does somebody know what type this is? I refer to launcher .jpg (right picture).
03337 Flightgear_tn.jpg (9593 bytes)03337 Launcher01_tn.jpg (11360 bytes)
Pictures © Shaba