ALPHA 221 helmets in RDAF service Message 151, 14 December 2003
During my recent visit to some of our ALSE shops I saw a couple of different types of NVG
attachment on Alpha 200 series helmets. The reason why the RDAF are looking into this is
that we need them for the observers in our present S-61 Sea King SAR helicopters and for
both pilots and aircrew in our future EH.101 SAR and transport helicopters.
One type of NVG mounting under consideration is the standard Alpha type mounting with a
aluminium bracket mounted directly on the helmet shell. The problem with this solution is
that no inner visor can be fitted as it would conflict with the bracket. Due to the high
birdstrike risk in Danish airspace the RDAF has a strict two-visor policy.
An alternative is to mount the NVG bracket on a rigid fibre visor housing. A slightly
heavier solution, it allows keeping both visors.
Cheers, Bluelight
Standard NVG mounting. © Bluelight
NVG mounting on rigid
fibre housing. © Bluelight
Message 2376, May 20, 2001
Hi Hud, In 1999 the Royal Danish Air Force introduced an Alpha 200 series helmet
designated Alpha 221 for S-61 and Lynx helicopter crews and for the T-17 supporter
elementary trainer. Our Air Materiel Command are currently making a market survey to
determine what the successor to HGU-55/P would be but no decisions have been made so far
to my knowledge.
Cheers, Bluelight
Message 2373, May 20, 2001
Hi All, After looking through the Helmet Systems website (Alpha helmets) it became clear
that the Czech Airforce gets the Alpha series 200 and 700 for its Air Force. The 200 for
its Mi-24 gunships and the 700 for its fighters. I still prefer a Czech MiG or Sukhoi
aircraft with a pilot wearing an old ZSh type helmet........
Also the Danish were supposed to have bought the Alpha helmets. Any info Bluelight?